Monday, November 16, 2009

compare/contrast western development

The continuities and changes in the patterns of western development from 1700 c.e. to 1900c.e. was brought upon by a change in economy, which influenced changes in society and politics.This in turn changed the societies, economies, and politics of the rest of the world. Economics put England to the top and was one of the main reasons for the british imperialism in India, Sycranisation in colonies changed society all throughout the world, and the french revolution inspired political change all throughout Europe, as well as the growing political power England had over India and colonies they owned.The continuity of this time period was the way Europe stayed the most powerful even as different powers from around the world rose such as the United States.
The rise of british industrialisation starting from the 1750's changed England's economy greatly so that they eventually became top-dogs. The economy brought about more factories and further advances in technology, and these improvements caused a great population boom. Through british imperialism in india the economy improved even further, as India was a great source of raw materials and as a market for goods and investments.The impact that Europe had on the world economically speaking was as Europe conqured and colonized throughout the world, the settler societies that were most powerful, like the United States, grew as well in the world economy. Also, when England became utilitarian and had the best economic system in the world, since no one could compete with them they had no problem spreading the wealth an allowing other countires in on their system.
Through British imperalism in India, England rewrote the entire country's society. They enforced english-style education in the school system,prevented the ritual widow-burning ceremony, and enforced their own moral beliefs and values wherever they colonized. England created a lot of sycranization throught many of their colonies, and created social heirarchies that put the British on top into their colonies. It is noted that societies where women were more or less equal were changed to women having a lesser status once the christian mercinaries ot through with them.That takes care of how Europe influenced the world society-wise. Economy over in England changed their own society as well. By the 1900's, the entire coutry was egalitarian so everyone was more or less equal. Visitors were surprised to find no beggars and theives running around.(Politics also had an effect on society because once economy was up, politics improved, people respected poitics more, so that they could control crime rate.) No one was really poor, and little changes in behavior such as outings occured. Also, rise in social equality in women appeared in England as well as the United states.
By 1789, France was more vastly intellectual and socially aware, but stifled because of their economic problems, where all of the money went to the nobility and none for the peasants. Men started to believe in the equality of men, not heirarchys and aristrocrats. They wanted a Democracy, and a great revolution followed in which eventually the monarchy was overthrown and France settled a Democracy. This act sparked something within many of the other countries in Europe, including Germany. hey all wanted equal ights too. Because of the French revolution, by 1900 almost all of the monarchies in Euroe were overthrown. Now back in England, or rather, India, the British soon had full political control over India. The British center of control was Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta, and Indian leaders had to report to British administrators. England also conqured Egypt and other countries, and had an effect on settler society's politics.
The continuity of this time period was that even though through colonization new countries and power were rising, Europe and most importantly, the british still remained the most powerful in the world.

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